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5 Stages of Change for Recovery: Navigating Your Path to Addiction Recovery

5 Stages of Change for Recovery Navigating

Are you on a journey to overcome substance use disorder? The path to recovery involves a series of distinct stages that demand dedication, effort, and resilience. At Denovo Recovery, a leading Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center in Saint Joseph, MO, we are committed to providing unwavering support throughout your recovery journey. In this article, we delve into the 5 Stages of Change Model, shedding light on how it can be your guiding force towards a successful recovery.

Understanding the 5 Stages of Change Model

The 5 Stages of Change Model, initially formulated by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente in the 1980s, is a transformative framework for addiction recovery. This model unveils the intricate process of behavior change, serving as a crucial tool for individuals seeking recovery and professionals in substance use treatment.

Your Journey through 5 Stages: From Precontemplation to Maintenance

Your recovery journey is marked by five pivotal stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Additionally, relapse, a common challenge, is an additional stage of experience. These stages encapsulate your transition from active addiction to sustainable recovery and growth.

1. Precontemplation: Acknowledging the Need

In this initial stage, you may downplay or deny the severity of your addiction. The belief that change is not yet needed characterizes this stage. Acknowledging the need for change is a pivotal step that opens doors for your recovery journey.

2. Contemplation: Pondering Change

Contemplation involves recognizing the problem and considering change as a possibility. While actively seeking help may not be on your agenda yet, acknowledging the necessity for professional intervention is a substantial stride toward recovery.

3. Preparation: Ready to Take Action

The preparation stage signifies your readiness for change. Researching treatment options, evaluating pros and cons, and outlining plans for the future are hallmarks of this stage. Commitment to your recovery journey begins to solidify.

4. Action: Initiating Change

Taking concrete steps to address your addiction marks the action stage. This includes seeking professional treatment, engaging in support groups, and adopting healthy habits that define this stage of transformation.

5. Maintenance: Sustaining Progress

The maintenance stage centers on preserving positive changes and preventing relapse. Your dedication to ongoing recovery efforts is critical in ensuring your transformation lasts.

Relapse: A Setback, not a Defeat

Although not universal, relapse is a common occurrence during recovery. It entails reverting to addictive behaviors following a period of abstinence. Remember, relapse isn’t failure; it’s a challenge that can be overcome with appropriate support.

Harnessing the Power of the 5 Stages of Change for Your Recovery

Acknowledge Your Stage : Recognize where you stand in the stages of change – contemplating, preparing, or already taking action.

Embrace Unique Characteristics : Each stage brings distinct traits and challenges. Familiarize yourself with these attributes to navigate your journey more effectively.

Set Realistic Goals : Tailor achievable goals based on your current stage to contribute to your recovery. Seek therapy, attend support groups, and practice self-care as needed.

Reach Out for Support : Remember, you’re not alone. Seek guidance and encouragement from friends, family, and the professionals at Denovo Recovery.

Prioritize Self-Care : Recovery thrives on self-compassion. Focus on your physical and emotional well-being to bolster your progress.

Begin Your Recovery Journey with Denovo Recovery

If you’re ready to take your first step toward addiction recovery, Denovo Recovery in Saint Joseph, MO, is your partner. Our compassionate team is dedicated to guiding you through the 5 Stages of Change, empowering you to achieve enduring transformation. Contact us today to embark on your journey towards a healthier, happier you.


What is the 5 Stages of Change Model?

The 5 Stages of Change Model elucidates the progression of behavior change and is an invaluable tool for addiction recovery.

Can relapse occur during recovery?

Yes, relapse is possible. However, perceiving it as a setback, not a failure, is crucial. Many individuals overcome relapse and continue their journey toward recovery.

How can I leverage the 5 Stages of Change Model for my recovery?

Recognize your current stage, comprehend its characteristics, set achievable goals, seek support, and prioritize self-care to maximize the model’s benefits.

What if I’m uncertain about seeking help?

If you’re unsure about seeking help, you might be in the contemplation stage. Reach out to professionals who can guide you through your thoughts and concerns.

How does Denovo Recovery support recovery?

Denovo Recovery offers personalized addiction treatment, unwavering support, and guidance through each stage of change, facilitating your sustainable recovery journey.